Winning this war – friends & foes

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The people in the following table were asked to sit on the National Council and lead our freedom army. None accepted. The first phase of our unity proposal has come to an end and the results/conclusions are discussed in this blog post.

Name Status Notes
Donald Best declined
April 18

– contacted April 17
– responsed April 18
– reason for declining – schedule overwhelmed, health, multiple projects targeting specific injustices
– second contact May 13
– no response

Jason Lavigne waiting for response – 1st contact April 17
– no response
– second contact May 13
– no response
Jeremy Mackenzie waiting for response – 1st contact April 17
– no response
– second contact May 13
– no response
Ken Drysdale waiting for response

– 1st contact April 17
– May 9, said he would review our proposal, we are waiting for further contact from him
– second contact May 13
– no response

Tom Marazzo waiting for response

– 1st contact April 17
– responsed April 18, said he will review prosposal.
– no further response
– second contact May 13
– no response


The first phase of our unity proposal has come to an end and the results/conclusions are discussed in this blog post. Our freedom groups were contacted, asked and expected to unite under our freedom army. We contacted hundreds of them. All refused the call for unity. The groups we contacted can be viewed in the following PDF file.

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