The analogy
Imagine coming across a woman who is being raped by multiple attackers. Her makeup is a mess and she is trying put on fresh makeup and lipstick, all the while being raped. You tell her if you both work together that you can fight back and defeat her attackers.
In a calm voice, the woman says to you, “Would you…please be a dear and…hold the mirror…for me…while I put…my makeup and…lipstick on. I can’t…hold it steady.”
You assume the woman is in a state of shock. So you again say to her in a louder, more frantic tone, that together you can stop this assault on her and get justice for her.
The woman calmly says she is not aligned with what you propose and that your message does not trigger or resonate with her. So no, she will not cooperate and work with you.
Now you are in a state of shock and stumble away from the scene of the crime.
The next day, you come across another woman being raped and you get the same response from her. This scenario repeats itself every day with a different woman. Over time, your anger and outrage turns to frustration, which turns to disbelief, which turns to curiosity, which turns to amusement, which turns to ridicule.
Back to reality
The cabal is waging a global war of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T) against us, the little people of the street. We have been overwhelmed on all fronts. Examples are skyrocketing and unaffordable housing and food costs, an unsustainable migrant crisis, white replacement, law-fare, weaponized law enforcement, SOGI, clot/kill shots (i.e. “vaccines”), a medical system that is killing us, CBDCs, digital identity, bug food, UNDRIP, 15 minute cites, sexualizing young children, grooming for pedophiles, etc.
These are all artificial crises, engineered by the cabal under the umbrella of Agenda 2030 and it’s march towards One World Government under the depraved ideology and tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T). Our toothless chihuahuas fully understand this, they do not dispute any it.
To repeat, we have been overwhelmed. In layman terms, we are being continuously raped and butt-fucked by the cabal.
There is only one solution that can defeat this attack against us by the cabal. It’s not my solution. It is an age old solution that is understood by all. When faced with a superior enemy then we unite and work/fight together as one to defeat our enemy. It is summarized by the old adage, “United we stand, divided we fall”.
Supposedly our best
All our toothless chihuahuas claim to be “awake” and fully aware of the juggernaut of T&T that, like a tsunami, is hitting us hard and strong. All our toothless chihuahuas claim they are working or fighting against this tyranny of T&T. For example, there are a little over 240 of our so called freedom groups and people across Canada that my “Winning This War” unity proposal was recently sent to. A conservative estimate is that at least 1,000 of our most active and prominent “freedom fighters” across Canada have read my unity proposal. This includes Brian Peckford, Ted Kuntz and Ken Drysdale.
These people ARE our de facto freedom leaders here in Canada. These are supposedly some of the best we have to offer as “freedom fighters” in Canada. Some are doing protests, some are doing letter campaigns, some are doing petitions, some are doing podcasts, some are doing lawsuits, some are doing conferences, some are doing local things, some are doing provincial things, some are doing federal things and some are doing new age things. These people are all over the place and nowhere at all. These people work alone with no resources. Most do not know or care what others are doing.
All our de facto freedom leaders have one thing in common. They face a common and vastly superior enemy with an entrenched global network that has us out-gunned, out-resourced and out-classed in all ways except one. Our de facto freedom leaders have only one strength to work with and that is the large scale numbers of our rank-and-file. This dictates and demands only one course of action that our leaders must take. They must use the time proven strategy of unity, they must work to unite our large scale numbers.
Is this what our toothless chihuahuas are doing? The answer is no. Our de facto freedom leaders, the toothless chihuahuas of Canada, refuse to unite even among themselves. Our so called leaders fight alone and will do not work together. They have prioritized their petty turf wars, egos and echo chambers over unity with our large scale numbers. Predictably, they have proven themselves to be ineffective in fighting this global war of T&T. This reflects their poor leadership. All of them persist in fighting a war with a peace time mindset where everyone does what/when/how/if they want. This too reflects their poor leadership. Our toothless chihuahuas have no discipline, no organization and no infrastructure. More evidence of their poor leadership. They have no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle. This is not just poor leadership, it is pathetic leadership. Nothing our toothless chihuahuas have done has slowed this onslaught of T&T.
Hey, did you hear Brian Peckford was not considered an expert who could testify about the Charter of Rights in court? Brian is the last living person who helped draft and write the Charter of Rights. Why could he not testify as an authority on the Charter of Rights? It is because Brian is a toothless chihuahua! Think about this.
Our toothless chihuahuas are not even thinking about eliminating the cabal. They not even thinking about uniting our rank-and-file which is the key to winning this war. They are not even thinking about using a top down, hierarchical leadership structure – another age old, time proven concept – to unite our rank-and-file. These are the three critical criteria that must be at the core of everything we do in fighting this global war (see time 00:06:00 in my video “We Are Losing this War”). Our toothless chihuahuas ignore each of these three critical criteria.
What this means is our toothless chihuahuas have no idea of how to fight and win this war, nothing they are doing will stop this global tyranny we face. They will continue to be raped and butt-fucked by the cabal, just like the rest of us. So much for our de facto leaders, eh?
Our de facto leaders, the toothless chihuahuas of Canada, are no different from the women in my analogy. What they are doing is meaningless and pointless so they will continue to be raped and butt-fucked. This is true of all our toothless chihuahuas including Benita at All Fired Up for Freedom, Christopher at A Warrior Calls, David at Awake Canada, Dorel at United Free People of Canada Corporation, Doug at Indegene Community, Laszlo at Free Movement Canada, Laura at Peaceful Inner Warriors United Assembly, Lorenzo at New Agora, Maggie at Gather 2030/KICLEI, Rebecca at Stand4Thee, Tanya at Action4Canada, Ted at Freedom Rising and the list goes on. These people are not leaders. What they desperately need is a real leader to transform them into an actionable network that can actually get things done. After all, we do want to win this global war, don’t we?
The real reason we cannot unite. It’s…me!
I have been so blind! How could I have not seen the obvious? The only reason our toothless chihuahuas have failed to unite themselves, as well as our rank-and-file, is because my message of unity has not “triggered” them. Yes, I see it all so clearly now. Benita, Christopher, David, Doug, Laszlo, Lorenzo, Maggie, Rebecca, Tanya, Ted and all of our toothless chihuahuas have been chomping at the bit to unite. All they needed and were waiting for was the right messaging from me.
Laszlo wrote:
“If you have a solution and it does not work, there is an issue either with the 1) solution 2) how is the message delivered because it is not triggering people. “
Laura wrote:
“You are a powerful co-creator of reality who is hurt and throwing stones. It’s sad and unsettling to see which is why people haven’t responded.”
Stupid me, my message has been completely wrong.
I’m preaching that the only way we can win this war is by eliminating the cabal and it’s global network. I’m preaching our rank-and-file are the key to winning this global war. I’m preaching we must use a top down, hierarchical leadership structure to organize and mobilize the billions of our rank-and-file across the world. I’m talking, breathing and preaching unity.
I’m preaching our de factor leaders, the toothless chihuahuas of Canada, do not want unity and are actively working against unity. I’m preaching our toothless chihuahuas are not even thinking about how to organize and mobilize our rank-and-file. I’m preaching our toothless chihuahuas are not even thinking about a top down leadership structure to unite our rank-and-file. I’m preaching our toothless chihuahuas have prioritized their petty turf wars, egos and echo chambers over unity. I’m preaching if we don’t drastically change our objectives and tactics that we have already lost this global war.
How could I have been so stupid? Our toothless chihuahuas were just waiting for the right message from me and they would then have instantly united. Right?!!! But because I failed to deliver the right message, a message that they could “align” with, a message that would “trigger” or “resonate” with them, that it was me and only me who has sabotaged any possibility of unity among ourselves. Yes, it was all my fault!
I can only come to one conclusion.
Our toothless chihuahuas are fucking idiots! You are being continuously raped and butt-fucked. All you do in response is try to reapply your makeup and lipstick! What more do you need before you pull your collective heads out of your collective asses and wake up to reality that you are seriously fucked if you don’t get your shit together and learn to work together?
I’m roaring with laughter at all of you. You make it all to easy to mock and ridicule you. You are weak men and women making hard times!
More of our supposed best
We just had three different unity conferences here in Canada. There was the We Unify conference in BC in June, the Stronger Together conference also in June and the We Are The Change conference in Ontario in July. Would you be surprised to learn they accomplished nothing even faintly resembling unity or, for that matter, reclaiming Canada. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Manitoba Stronger Together
We have a good idea of what happened at the Stronger Together conference. This conference had only 30% of the expected/hoped for attendance. The venue has a maximum capacity of 875. Ken Drysdale stated about 340 people attended with 30 to 40 of them being volunteers who paid for their own tickets.
The conference recordings are available to watch, without charge (do you hear that We Unify?). I watched all videos except two, those two being the Harper and Sunday Devotional videos. Despite what Ken says, this was a talking-heads conference but with a little Q&A time thrown in. Sure, it was not a single-person-at-a-podium event. But all panels were little more than a small group of talking-heads. With few exceptions, each person talked about problems, problems and more problems. There was very, very little discussion in the way of solutions. To be frank, there is no unity and no solutions that came out of this conference. Those with podcasts found guests for their shows but that is self-promotion and not unity. At the end of the day, as far as freedom fighting goes, all attendees went their separate ways.
We Are The Change
The We Are The Change conference was another talking-heads-in-a-panel-format that too only talked about problem, problems and more problems. It offered no unity and no solutions.
We Unify
For a group that claims to be about unity and reclaiming Canada,We Unify’s website is devoid of meaningful content. This group is not forthcoming with results and even comes across as being secretive. This group has nothing to show for it’s effort other than hosting conferences of talking heads.
The original venue for it’s 2024 conference had a maximum capacity of 1,400. The conference was then moved to a smaller venue with a maximum capacity of only 400. So at best, it only had 30% of the expected/hoped for original attendance. I suppose that is why it can claim it’s “sold out” 2024 conference was a success. Smoke and mirrors!
Based on the speakers listed as attending the conference it is reasonable to say this was little more than a talking-heads conference. The same was true for its 2022 and 2023 conferences. Not a single one of the listed speakers for 2023 promotes unity and that includes Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Ted Kuntz.
What is this group doing to organize and mobilize our rank-and-file across Canada? After all, that is what real unity and reclaiming Canada is about. Seeing is believing and I don’t see anything coming from We Unify.
We Unify is charging $50 to replay the recorded conference proceedings. I have previously heard/watched quite a few of the 2024 conference speakers. Like the speakers at the Stronger Together conference, I have no reason to expect the We Unify speakers have anything new or original to say. This is what I expect to confirm by watching the recorded proceedings. But I’m not going to waste $50 to confirm We Unify is doing nothing to help us win this war. Talk is cheap. I’ll pay for meaningful action but I will not pay to listen to self-promoting speakers who are thrilled with the attention they get by maintaining the status quo. These people like to talk about problems but they never talk about viable solutions. And we know that can never win this global war for us.
We Unify claims to have “assembled a coalition of leaders from government, digital platforms, media, academia and civil society to address the imminent threat of disinformation and censorship”. Great, when can we expect results? This is the 3rd year for this conference, right! Ok, what tangible results does We Unify have for us? I don’t see any. Or are the results to be kept secret from our rank-and-file? Or is it possible this group is simply full of shit and siphoning valuable resources away from the few of us that actually want to fight and win this war? Personally, I go with the last explanation.
Here is a question. When the conference was over, how many of the attendees agreed to start working together on an ongoing basis for the purpose of winning this war? Do you think Drea Humphrey was at the conference to promote/build unity and viable solutions for winning this war? Or is she just following Ezra’s lead and trying to carve out a small piece of turf she can call her own? Do you think John Carpay really wants to win this war or is he satisfied to have carved out a sweet niche for himself at JCCF? Chuckle, do you really think unity is on Ted Kuntz’s mind? I can say with certainty it is not. What about Steve Kirsch and the others? Ya, ya, we know the answers.
There only one way to win this war and that requires we eliminate the cabal. You will not hear a single person who attended this conference ever mention this is the obvious and only solution to winning this war. After this conference and all the self-promotion was over, all these people went their separate ways. They do not work together and most of them are in this for themselves! They may be our de facto leaders but they are not leading us to winning this global war.
The Rage Tour – a glimmer of hope
Jeremy Mackenzie’s Rage Tour is underway and, unlike the three previously mentioned conferences, Jeremy is going across Canada to meet people and build a network. If we are to organize and mobilize our rank-and-file across Canada then Jeremy is hinting at the right way and the only way to do it. We must go to our rank-and-file instead of asking them to come to us.
So far, the only information I have on the Rage Tour is what is Jeremy and his team are posting on Telegram. My sense is Jeremy is connecting with people that are outside of our toothless chihuahuas and the groups our toothless chihuahuas have. If that is true then Jeremy may be onto something good. His numbers are small but he seems to be building some momentum among our rank-and-file whereas our other toothless chihuahuas have no momentum there.
Jeremy is in Montreal today. I hope meet to up with him and his group.
Final Remarks
All our de facto leaders, the toothless chihuahuas of Canada, understand they are being raped and butt-fucked; that is what they are all responding to. However, their response amounts to nothing more than trying to salvage a little dignity by reapplying makeup and lipstick. Nothing they are doing will stop the rape and butt-fuck. They have a choice, the only choice that will stop the rape and butt-fuck. But they refuse to make the choice and instead merely whine and complain about being raped and butt-fucked. You see, this IS their choice. Of course, this is all my fault because I failed to inspire them with my message of unity.
We are leaderless. And I can’t stop laughing.