Have you heard the latest jokes making the rounds in the freedom community here in Canada? Here they are.
Joke #1: What is the difference between a toothless chihuahua and a true freedom fighter?
Punchline #1: The word DONATE never appears on the website of a true freedom fighter!
But you say, “Ian, I don’t get the joke. Every one of our web sites includes the word DONATE.” Ha, ha, ha, you got the joke and are just overthinking it!
Joke #2: How does a toothless chihuahua spell the word UNITY?
Punchline #2: D-O-N-A-T-E
There is a colossal problem in our so called “freedom community” here in Canada. If you guessed it somehow ties in with donations then you are right. But first, to understand the term “rank-and-file” as well as the context it provides for this blog post, please read We must engage out rank-and-file.
Here is the 10 second elevator conversation about our rank-and-file. The only way we can win this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T) is by organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file in large scale numbers to fight with a common vision and direction. We can win this war without lawyers, doctors and scientists. But we cannot win this war without our rank-and-file. Actions involving our rank-and-file must be prioritized over actions involving lawyers, doctors and scientists. Our rank-and-file must be the primary action while lawyers, doctors and scientists must be the secondary action in support of the primary action. Our challenge is not how to pay exorbitant and outrageous legal costs even though, relatively speaking, that is trivial matter. The bigger and biggest challenge in the “freedom movement” is how to train, organize and mobilize the large scale numbers of our rank-and-file. Our rank-and-file are the key to winning this war and the only way we can win this war.
In Canada, we have prioritized the secondary action over the primary action. We are focused almost exclusively on lawyers, doctors and scientists while completely ignoring our rank-and-file. Tactically, this a colossal error. This error is illustrated with two prominent initiatives in our “freedom movement” here in Canada: 1) the Accountability Project and 2) the National Citizens Inquiry.
The Accountability Project
The Accountability Project (AP) is the idea of Andrew MacGillivray at Veterans4Freedom (V4F). Andrew came up with the idea in 2022 but there was little interest in it at the time. With the recent ruling by Justice Mosley that Trudeau illegally invoked the Emergencies Act, Andrew was contacted about setting up a fund for the purpose of paying for future legal actions against our government. The purpose of AP is to promote and administer this fund.
At first glance, this Mosley ruling and AP appear to be a big step forward in our fight against significant government overreach. However, a second look makes it very clear that AP completely ignores our rank-and-file. AP treats our rank-and-file as nothing more than a piggy bank.
Vincent Gircy spoke about AP on the The Lavigne Show. He says there are two things AP needs from our rank-and-file. First, it needs “intelligence”, people with video recordings and/or information to support the AP. At best, this might involve no more than a few hundred people. Second, AP wants our donations, lots of donations, seemingly blank check donations. Vincent makes it very clear AP needs our money. Third, (hey, I thought you said there were only two things) Vincent mentions AP volunteers. What are the volunteers for? No idea, but saying “volunteer” has become the mandatory buzzword when begging for donations from our rank-and-file.
Vincent spoke the same day in the weekly held Friday Freedom Rising (FR) meeting. There, he implicitly emphasized the Achilles heel in the AP was funding for, you guessed it, legal costs. “We need your money” was Vincent’s big take away message. Vincent did use the token word “volunteer” but what that might involve was left to our imagination. Ryan Penn commented, with what I thought was a tinge of sarcasm, that the role of volunteers needs to be defined.
Lindsay Gabelhouse spoke next in the FR meeting. I assume she is a member of AP. The first thing she said was to instruct us to look for the donate button on the AP website. Next, she said AP has an A-team, implying it is a very, very expensive team and that team needs our money. Lindsay followed with the mandatory/token use of the word “volunteer” (no details). Finally, she said everyone should be focused on the AP over next few days so as to get the word out about it
Have a read of the founding letter of the AP. That letter is only about legal action. It has nothing to do with engaging our rank-and-file, that is, other than to treat it like a piggy bank.
Check out the AP website. Currently, there is not much there, particularly in terms of objectives, strategies, metrics and results. But that’s ok, AP still wants our donations.
If there is still any doubt in your mind, listen to Andrew, starting at time 00:22:46 on The Lavigne Show. The only thing AP needs from our rank-and-file are donations. Expect to hear a lot of begging directed at our rank-and-file to donate to AP.
How does the AP actually hold our government accountable? The answer is it doesn’t. The inherent nature of AP means it will be little more than a defensive reaction to government overreach that will not and cannot hold government accountable.
How does AP and those promoting it spell unity? The answer is D-O-N-A-T-E.
The clear messaging coming out of AP is that our rank-and-file are not much good for anything other than being a piggy bank. This is a colossal strategic blunder. This is inexcusable, is an insult to our rank-and-file and is a real insult to our fight against T&T. Consequently, my response to those begging for AP donations is a three word expletive with the acronym GFY!
The National Citizens Inquiry
Our rank-and-file are the key to raising awareness in all Canadians about the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) and its report. Our rank-and-file are the key to getting widespread distribution of the NCI report across Canada. Our rank-and-file are the key to applying overwhelming pressure to all our elected officials to read, respond and enact the many recommendations in the NCI report. Our rank-and-file was and is critical to the success of NCI. Unfortunately, NCI shot itself in the foot by ignoring our rank-and-file from the beginning and it is now faced with the reality that few Canadians have heard of NCI, let alone its report. Like the Accountability Project, NCI has put the cart before the horse and left the horse far behind, out-of-sight.
NCI members are implicitly stating if it’s baby (i.e. the report) never walks then it is the fault of our rank-and-file. Let me explain why this is wrong and insulting to our rank-and-file. I will use an analogy of a new recruit in the army to illustrate the problem with NCI.
Imagine an army recruit meets with his training sergeant on his first day in the army. The sergeant slaps a rifle into the recruit’s hands with instructions for the recruit to go to FarFarAwayLand to fight in a war. The recruit asks how he is supposed to get to FarFarAwayLand and the sergeant tells the recruit to figure it out on his own. The recruit is instructed that he must get there at his own expense, provide for his own clothing, water, food, shelter and ammunition. It is his responsibility to meet up with other recruits and devise their own strategies to fight the enemy. The recruit is essentially alone and vulnerable, left to fend for himself. There is no organizational infrastructure to organize, supply or mobilize the recruits to fight as one, with a common vision and direction. If the war is lost, and that is almost a certainty, then the raw recruits are blamed for the failure.
NCI has not given any thought to the organizational infrastructure that is necessary to organize and mobilize our rank-and-file, even if only for the purpose of giving the NCI report teeth. Like the hapless army recruit in the above analogy, it is left to the imagination and limited resources of each individual in our rank-and-file to strike out on their own, where they are alone and vulnerable. There is not a single business or army that does this. Why has NCI done just that? NCI has ignored our rank-and-file and is paying heavily for that mistake with most Canadians never having even heard of NCI.
Like AP, NCI has committed a colossal strategic error. It is inexcusable and is an insult to our rank-and-file. So again, my response to those begging for NCI donations is GFY!
The real and only challenge right now
In 2021, I spoke with Amalega Francois at one of the many protests he organized and/or participated in here in Montreal. At that time, Amalega was one of the higher profile persons in our “freedom movement” here in Quebec. I told Amalega we needed to start organizing ourselves on a much bigger scale and to build the infrastructure we needed to sustain that type of initiative. Amalega’s response was to say, “I don’t have time for that”. That attitude still prevails across Canada today and which is why our so called “freedom movement” in Canada has accomplished little to nothing.
Our so called “freedom movement” here in Canada is impotent, and will remains so as long as it continues to be highly fragmented and completely disorganized. AP and NCI appear to be significant accomplishments only because they are being compared to the impotence of our “freedom movement”. But neither AP or NCI have the support of our rank-and-file. AP and NCI have not made any effort to build that support. Without that support, both AP and NCI will have a short shelf-life. Indeed, my opinion is that unless NCI has a trick card up it’s sleeve, NCI and its report are already dead-in-the-water.
The question that needs to be asked is why is our so called “freedom movement” here in Canada continuing to ignore the issue that matters the most – organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file? The answer is easy to understand. Training, organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file is a monumental challenge. It is a challenge that dwarfs everything our so called “freedom movement” has done here in Canada since the start of the covid fraud, including AP and NCI. We have no one who has even expressed an interest in rising to this challenge. Why, you ask? That too is easy to answer. It is because our so called “freedom fighters” in Canada are consumed by their petty turf wars, they petty jealousies, their petty egos and so many other self-destructive behaviors.
Our rank-and-file are the key to winning this war of T&T. Let me reiterate, we can win this war without lawyers, doctors and scientists but we cannot win it without our rank-and-file. Unity is our holy grail. Unity remains as elusive as the holy grail. Real change can only come from our unity. Yes it will be a hurclean task for us to train, organize and mobilize our rank-and-file, across Canada and across the world. But that is the only way we can win this war.