The message does not change!


We are in a global war. This is WWIII. None of our toothless chihuahuas dispute this fact.

Here are 5 questions for all our toothless chihuahuas.

  1. Who is the enemy we must defeat to win this war? The answer is none of them know. None of them even think about this question.

  2. What is our primary strategy for winning this war? The answer is none of them know. None of them even think about this question.

  3. What type of leadership do we need to win this war? The answer is none of them know. None of them even think about this question.

  4. Which of our toothless chihuahuas is working to generate the numbers, resources, reach and muscle we must have to win this war? The answer is none of them.

  5. Which of our toothless chihuahuas has clear and well defined objectives, strategies, metrics and results (OSMR) that guide the actions they undertake. The answer is none of them. Most our toothless chihuahuas don’t even bother to define the OSMR.

These 5 questions are about the fundamentals of what we must do to fight this global war. How can we win a war when our toothless chihuahuas ignore the fundamentals? The answer is we can’t.

My last blog post was in September of last year, 5 months ago. In that time, our toothless chihuahuas have churned out countless meetings and endless piles of articles, videos and podcasts, little of which anyone pays attention to. Our toothless chihuahuas have been as busy as a gerbil on a tread wheel; running furiously, going nowhere. Everything they do is meaningless and pointless because they ignore the fundamentals of what we must do to fight this global war.

To win this war we must eliminate the cabal. To eliminate the cabal we must unite. Until we unite, nothing else matters. This is the only message that is important. This message is timeless. The message does not change!

The number is 100,000

I have defined a three step process that I use to identify our toothless chihuahuas. But if you want a faster and reasonably accurate means to assess which of our dissident groups might be a toothless chihuahua then simply count the number of active members in a group. In Canada, use the number 100,000. If any of our groups cannot organize and mobilize at least 100,000 active members at will – with “at will” being a key point – then that group and it’s members are toothless chihuahuas.

In this global war, our numbers is THE deciding factor for us. We must be able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada, billions of our rank-and-file across the world. For us, no numbers means no resources, no reach and no muscle. Our slogan should be “No numbers? No results!

To eliminate the cabal, we must be able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada and billions of us across the world. So what does the number 100,000 represent? It represents a very conservative but realistic number serving as a cutoff marker or indication of groups that are severely handicapped, that have extremely limited capabilities.

I recently released my report and assessment of the group Stand4Thee (S4T). Let’s use S4T as an example.

The highest number of followers I have observed in S4T weekly Friday night meetings was about 200 and that was in 2023. At that time, I estimated it only had about a dozen active members. Today, S4T weekly meetings are down to 70 ± 10 followers and again, only about a dozen are active. And this is from across all of Canada.

Followers” are not the same thing as “active members”. Followers cannot be organized and mobilized but active members can. Followers are observers, occasionally looking to see what a group is doing but never engaging with the group. Followers contribute nothing to a group.

Consider S4T’s social media National Telegram group. If I recall correctly, when I was banned from this group last November, the number of followers in it had been constant at about 1,500. In most Telegram groups, I have roughly estimated that no more than about 1% of followers might be active members. Accordingly, 1% of 1,500 followers is 15 and that is well within my ball part figure of about a dozen active members in S4T today.

The official S4T Telegram channel has remained unchanged at a bit under 1,800 followers. Accordingly, 1% of 1,800 followers is about 18 people, again well within my ball park figure of about a dozen active members in S4T today.

But let’s be generous and, today, assume all 70 + 10 followers in the S4T Friday night Zoom meetings are active members. That would still leave S4T today with only 80 active members, and that is from across all of Canada.

Now compare 80 people to 100,000 people.

What this translates to is that S4T has no resources, no reach and no muscle. The simple fact that S4T has no numbers is all we need to know to make a reasonably good guess that S4T is a toothless chihuahuas. That turns out to be a very accurate assessment of S4T!

To summarize, If you want a quick and dirty way to assess which of our dissident groups might be a toothless chihuahua then just count the number of members in that group and then compare that number to 100,000.

If that leads you to asking, “Does that make all our dissident groups toothless chihuahuas?”, then you are asking the right question. By the way, the answer is yes.


LEGO is an educational toy for children. It consists of different color plastic bricks/blocks that lock together, allowing children to design and build their own creations (see next figure).

Figures or objects created with LEGO pieces
Figures or objects created with LEGO pieces

Children intuitively understand that if they dump a box of LEGO pieces on the floor then the pieces will not automatically self-assemble into the object they want. Children learn they must have discipline and organization before they can successfully build their own creations.

People are like LEGO pieces. With discipline and organization, they can work or “be put together” to accomplish things (see next figure) that cannot be done when they work alone.

Discipline and organization
Discipline and organization

Just as LEGO pieces cannot be dumped on a floor and expected to automatically self-assemble, so to can people not be dumped together and expected to automatically produce a final result (see next figure).

A crowd without discipline and organization
No discipline or organization

For both LEGO pieces and people, discipline and organization must be applied in order to achieve a final objective.

What is a LEGO action?

A LEGO action/initiative is where you dump a group of people together, without applying any discipline or organization, and expect them to magically reach an objective. A LEGO action is the equivalent of dumping a box of LEGO pieces on the floor and expecting/hoping the pieces to magically self-assemble; it just doesn’t happen.

Examples of LEGO actions are letter writing campaigns, email campaigns, telephone call campaigns and petitions.

LEGO actions predictably fail because they have no discipline, no organization, no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle. Their objectives, strategies, metrics and results are poorly defined, if they are defined at all. LEGO actions are never tracked to monitor their progress. LEGO actions never report results, the obvious reason being they always fail and our toothless chihuahuas actively work to obscure and hide their failures. LEGO actions give the illusion of action without actually having to engage in action.

All our toothless chihuahuas use LEGO actions. I have demonstrated this in my two reports, the first on Awake Canada and the second on Stand4Thee. What I have to say about Awake Canada and Stand4Thee can be generalized to all our toothless chihuahuas in Canada, including the National Citizens Inquiry.

Our dancing toothless chihuahuas

Look at our toothless chihuahuas in the next photo. They are prime examples that ignore the fundamentals of what we must do to fight and win this global war.

Dancing toothless chihuahuas
Dancing toothless chihuahuas

There is Stephen Malthouse (1st on the left), Mark Trozzi (2nd on the left), Charles Hoffe (in the center) and Ted Kuntz (2nd on the right). I don’t know or care to know who the other three dancing chihuahuas are.

I consider Ted Kuntz to be the Godfather of our toothless chihuahuas in Canada. That is NOT a complement. Ted is ideally positioned to bring unity to the millions of our rank-and-file across Canada, those who want but don’t know how to fight against this march of tyranny towards One World Government under the depraved and evil ideology of Techocracy and Transhumanism. The question is, what does Ted do to unite the millions of our rank-and-file in Canada? The answer is nothing. Ted does nothing to unite even just our “freedom leaders and groups“, those I also mock and ridicule as toothless chihuahuas. Ted does not promote our unity. As I’ve said before, if we want to pacify and sedate our freedom community then Ted is definitely our man. Ted may not be controlled opposition but he might as well be.

We can win this global war without doctors, engineers and lawyers but we cannot win this war without our rank-and-file. Guess what? We are fighting this war with only doctors, engineers and lawyers while ignoring our rank-and-file. That is a recipe for failure and it has already failed us. War is unforgiving, it does not reward failure.

Stephen, Mark and Charles have paid a heavy price for speaking truth to power. For that reason, you might expect them to be highly motivated in uniting our rank-and-file. It is highly suspicious that the three of them have ignored our rank-and-file. The question is why?

Ask each of the 7 dancing toothless chihuahuas the 5 questions at the start of this blog post. None of the 7 can identify the enemy we must defeat to win this war. Ted hasn’t and can’t. None of the 7 has a primary strategy for winning this war. Ted doesn’t have one. None of the 7 knows what leadership we need to win this war. Ted certainly doesn’t know. Between all 7 of these dancing chihuahuas, take a rough guess how many people they could organize and mobilize at will at any given time, from across all of Canada. If you say 10,000 then that would be a very, Very, VERY generous estimate. A more plausible estimate is no more than a few thousand people. Contrast that with the fact we must be able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada alone. These 7 toothless chihuahuas have nothing to dance about.

I know Ted is not big on defining or expecting others to define their OSMRs; the proof is on Ted’s website Freedom Rising. 1 All the Freedom Rising actions or events are LEGO actions. Between all 7 of these dancing toothless chihuahuas, what resources, reach and muscle do they have? The answer is little to none. Ted’s baby, the National Citizens Inquiry, can barely scrap together the minimum resources needed to hold this years NCI sessions. Why you ask? The answer is because NCI committed the fatal error of ignoring our rank-and-file.

Our 7 dancing chihuahuas are not fighting to win this global war. They are not fighting for Canada. I can say this with 100% certainty because NOTHING they do is about uniting our rank-and-file. There are no efforts anywhere in Canada to unite our rank-and-file.

The message

To win this war we must eliminate the cabal. To eliminate the cabal we must unite. Until we unite, nothing else matters. I’ve heard more than a few excuses why we cannot unite; that’s all they are, excuses, lame and feeble ones at that.

We are not united because we tried and failed. We are not united because we haven’t even tried! Unity is our holy grail. Unity is as elusive as the holy grail.

There is only one message. Unite!!! The message does not change.


  1. That is a topic I will cover if I prepare a report and assessment of Freedom Rising and/or Vaccine Choice Canada. Freedom Rising is Ted’s website and Ted is president of Vaccine Choice Canada ↩︎

Toothless chihuahuas make for poor leaders

The analogy

Imagine coming across a woman who is being raped by multiple attackers. Her makeup is a mess and she is trying put on fresh makeup and lipstick, all the while being raped. You tell her if you both work together that you can fight back and defeat her attackers.

In a calm voice, the woman says to you, “Would you…please be a dear and…hold the mirror…for mewhile I put…my makeup and…lipstick on. I can’t…hold it steady.

Continue reading “Toothless chihuahuas make for poor leaders”

Winning this war – results and conclusion

Our “Winning This War” unity proposal/project began on April 20. This is the first phase of our unity proposal and it has come to an end, a little sooner than scheduled. This blog post reports the results and the conclusions that can be drawn from this first phase.

In this first phase, we had no intention of trying to unite our rank-and-file. The purpose of this first phase was to show our toothless chihuahuas have become a significant obstacle to uniting our rank-and-file.1

Continue reading “Winning this war – results and conclusion”

Unity, oh unity, where art thou?

The small group of people I am working with are getting our unity proposal out to our “freedom fighters” here is Canada. In mid April, we asked an initial group of 5 people to sit on the National Council, to lead our freedom army. Donald Best declined. Tom Marazzo said he would take a look at our proposal but did not get back to us. We’ve had no response from the other three. We will contact other people to sit on the National Council but so far, we are batting zero. We sent our proposal to 208 Canadian “freedom groups”. Five rejected our proposal, one is non-committal and we’ve had no response yet from the rest of you. Hardly a glowing endorsement of our unity proposal, right?

Continue reading “Unity, oh unity, where art thou?”

Winning this war – update #1

This is a status update of our Winning This War proposal. We have contacted and sent a letter about our proposal to all active Canadian groups listed on the Freedom Rising website. This blog post shares and discusses information about the groups we have contacted. It does not discuss the National Council, the people we have asked to be on the National Council and their responses. That will be addressed in a separate blog post soon.

Continue reading “Winning this war – update #1”

Canada’s biggest megaphone and we are not using it!

What do you get when you combine Street Army Canada with Freedom Rising? You know what I see? I see Canada’s biggest fucking megaphone that can broadcast across Canada, from coast to coast.

Continue reading “Canada’s biggest megaphone and we are not using it!”