Seeing is believing.

All of you understand we are in a long-term war against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism.  We are under attack by our governments and leading political, health, business and law enforcement officials.  We are being injured, killed and murdered.  Our rights, liberties and freedoms are being systematically crushed.  We are witnessing mass formation psychosis where those we think of as good people – our family members, friends and coworkers – do bad things. 

There are two events I placed my hopes in.  The first is the Reclaiming Canada Conference that was recently held in British Columbia, Canada.  The second is the initiative that Marcus Ray is a spokesperson for, something I will refer to here as the Marcus Initiative. 

Continue reading “Seeing is believing.”

It is time to forge Street Army Canada, a nationwide alliance!

I am recruiting people to form a core team that is dedicated to building Street Army CanadaIf you recognize our unity is the only solution to our winning this war against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism and you are prepared to actively commit to building our unity across Canada then contact me by email ( or on my Telegram group (   I am recruiting 15 to 30 fervent and tenacious people to form the core group that starts the process of building Street Army Canada.  If there are more than that is all the better.

Continue reading “It is time to forge Street Army Canada, a nationwide alliance!”

Street Army Canada

We are the little people on the street and the elite criminals are waging their class war against us.  We are now into the third year of our fight against the covid fraud and the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism (TTT).   

Science has not proven the existence of the alleged virus Sars-Cov-2 (SC2) and its alleged variants.  Science has not proven this alleged virus causes the alleged disease Covid-19 (C19).   The bogus claims of pathogenic viruses based on cell cultures constitutes the scientific fraud of virology and microbiology.  There is no pathogenic SC2 virus and no C19 disease. Covid is flagrant criminal fraud on a global scale! 

Continue reading “Street Army Canada”

What part of “Unite the Street” do you not understand?

We are in a fight whether or not you choose to accept this fact.  We are fighting in a global war against Technocracy and Transhumanism. The dangerous experimental injections are killing millions of us and have seriously injured tens of millions. People are losing their jobs because of government sponsored extortion behind the jab-or-job policy. Our rights, liberties and freedoms are violated everyday by our governments and industry. Lives are being destroyed, suicide rates are way up, our economy is being destroyed. We are watching the engineered destruction of our economy and lives.  This is a war!

We are the little man and woman from the street.  The elite criminals are waging a global war against us.  Our situation is dire.  There is only one way we are guaranteed to fight and win this war.  Our strength is our numbers.  We must come us together to fight as one with a common vision and direction.  We must unite the street.  It is now close to two years since this war began and yet there is no real interest in uniting the street. The question is, why?

Continue reading “What part of “Unite the Street” do you not understand?”

“Show Us the Science” Protest on Parliament Hill

I am holding a protest titled Show Us the Science on Parliament Hill (File number: 2021-177) from October 4 to October 18. This is a one-man protest against the fraudulent emergency health measures. I will leave Montreal on October 4 and will arrive in Ottawa to start my protest between 12:00 hrs and 15:00 hrs. Details about the protest can be found at the end of this blog post. A copy of the protest details has been sent by courier to the main federal political parties (i.e. Bloc Quebecois, Conservatives, Greens, Liberals, NDP and PPC). These parties have also been notified of this protest via the contact page of their website or by email.

Please note this is only a one-man protest and must remain so to ensure the permit is not revoked. Anyone is free to come speak with me.

Continue reading ““Show Us the Science” Protest on Parliament Hill”

So you want to fight the covid fraud, eh? Ok, where and what is your organizational infrastructure?

A protest was held in downtown Montreal yestersay, Saturday.   There were less than 50 of us who showed up.  Last week, we were close to 200,000 people.  What happened?  This illustrates the point I am hammering away on; there is little to no organization between the disparate groups who are fighting against the fraudulent emergency health measures. 

Continue reading “So you want to fight the covid fraud, eh? Ok, where and what is your organizational infrastructure?”

Huh? 409 million doses for a population of 38 million?

“The Government of Canada has committed over $9 billion to procure vaccines and therapeutics and to provide international support. PHAC is responsible for managing this funding as the client department. A majority of that amount has been allocated for the up to 409 million doses of vaccines and vaccine candidates secured for everyone in Canada.”

Continue reading “Huh? 409 million doses for a population of 38 million?”