
How to identify a toothless chihuahua

This blog post explains the process or steps of how to identify a toothless chihuahua. I will use this process or steps as the basis for a coming series of reports that will examine just how useless our toothless chihuahuas are in fighting this war of Techncracy and Transhumanism the cabal is waging against us little people.

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Toothless chihuahuas make for poor leaders

The analogy

Imagine coming across a woman who is being raped by multiple attackers. Her makeup is a mess and she is trying put on fresh makeup and lipstick, all the while being raped. You tell her if you both work together that you can fight back and defeat her attackers.

In a calm voice, the woman says to you, “Would you…please be a dear and…hold the mirror…for mewhile I put…my makeup and…lipstick on. I can’t…hold it steady.

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Winning this war – results and conclusion

Our “Winning This War” unity proposal/project began on April 20. This is the first phase of our unity proposal and it has come to an end, a little sooner than scheduled. This blog post reports the results and the conclusions that can be drawn from this first phase.

In this first phase, we had no intention of trying to unite our rank-and-file. The purpose of this first phase was to show our toothless chihuahuas have become a significant obstacle to uniting our rank-and-file.1

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Unity, oh unity, where art thou?

The small group of people I am working with are getting our unity proposal out to our “freedom fighters” here is Canada. In mid April, we asked an initial group of 5 people to sit on the National Council, to lead our freedom army. Donald Best declined. Tom Marazzo said he would take a look at our proposal but did not get back to us. We’ve had no response from the other three. We will contact other people to sit on the National Council but so far, we are batting zero. We sent our proposal to 208 Canadian “freedom groups”. Five rejected our proposal, one is non-committal and we’ve had no response yet from the rest of you. Hardly a glowing endorsement of our unity proposal, right?

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Winning this war – update #1

This is a status update of our Winning This War proposal. We have contacted and sent a letter about our proposal to all active Canadian groups listed on the Freedom Rising website. This blog post shares and discusses information about the groups we have contacted. It does not discuss the National Council, the people we have asked to be on the National Council and their responses. That will be addressed in a separate blog post soon.

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Canada’s biggest megaphone and we are not using it!

What do you get when you combine Street Army Canada with Freedom Rising? You know what I see? I see Canada’s biggest fucking megaphone that can broadcast across Canada, from coast to coast.

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It’s our rank-and-file, stupid!

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Coutts, showcasing might-is-right

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Who is our real enemy in this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism?

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