I have begun referring to the “freedom fighters” here in Canada as toothless chihuahuas because nothing they do can win this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T) that is being wage against us, the little people. The following description of toothless chihuahuas, something I previously wrote, sets the context for understanding the question asked in the title of this blog post:
Continue reading “Who is our real enemy in this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism?”Author: Ian Bell
Suing government as a primary action is pointless!
In 2020, I marched in my first protest. I was 62 years old. For the first time, I added my name to a petition, not just one, but tens of them. In early 2021, I marched in a protest against the covid fraud in a Montreal with what I estimated to be close to 100,000 other people. In late 2021, I marched in a larger Montreal protest with what I estimated to be about 200,000 people. Sounds good, eh? Consider the following week, much like other weeks, when I showed up for another protest and there were less than 50 of us. I was a newbie in terms of social activism but it did not take long for me to realize there were no clearly defined objectives to these protests, no continuity between them and the only thing we accomplished with these protests was to anger drivers who had to find alternative routes. It is now 2024 and I am not aware a single protest or petition that achieved its objective, if they even had objectives in the first place. Those protests and petitions were a waste of my time.
Continue reading “Suing government as a primary action is pointless!”MIGHT IS RIGHT…and we ain’t got it!
The International Courts of Justice (ICJ) just issued their first ruling on events in Gaza. They did NOT rule that the slaughter and ethnic cleansing in Gaza is genocide. The elite criminals that rule this world and control the ICJ has issued its diktat. The ICJ had no choice but to comply. That my friends, is raw power and reflects the rule of law, MIGHT IS RIGHT.
Continue reading “MIGHT IS RIGHT…and we ain’t got it!”The toothless chihuahuas of Canada
Canada does not have freedom fighters. We have only fake freedom fighters that I refer to as “toothless chihuahuas”. This blog post looks at several groups and people that have proven themselves to be toothless chihuahuas. I also looks at one group that I consider to be an excellent example of a good citizen doing its civic duty to effect local change.
Continue reading “The toothless chihuahuas of Canada”You are not a freedom fighter if…
There are only two simple criteria needed to understand who is and who is not a freedom fighter.
Continue reading “You are not a freedom fighter if…”There are no freedom fighters in Canada!
This blog post is something different that you will not find anywhere else in Canada. It looks directly at the huge-elephant-in-the-room that everyone else is ignoring.
Do you think of yourself as a “freedom fighter” fighting against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism such as we experienced first hand with the covid fraud? If the answer is no then ignore this post and find something better to do with your day. If the answer is yes then read on.
Continue reading “There are no freedom fighters in Canada!”The last post
This is my last blog post. I am leaving this fight. Why? Because I can and I want to. Because the people I expected to be fighting alongside with, against this tyranny and evil of Technocracy and Transhumanism, are too busy fighting amongst themselves, stuck in their petty turf wars and echo chambers.
Continue reading “The last post”We must engage our rank-and-file!
An army has generals, elite troops and then the regular rank-and-file soldier. A war cannot be fought by just the generals and the elite troops alone. The elite troops might be able to win a few skirmishes by themselves but the real strength in an army is in the regular rank-and-file soldier. No war can be won without committing and engaging the regular rank-and-file soldier.
Continue reading “We must engage our rank-and-file!”Seeing is believing.
All of you understand we are in a long-term war against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism. We are under attack by our governments and leading political, health, business and law enforcement officials. We are being injured, killed and murdered. Our rights, liberties and freedoms are being systematically crushed. We are witnessing mass formation psychosis where those we think of as good people – our family members, friends and coworkers – do bad things.
There are two events I placed my hopes in. The first is the Reclaiming Canada Conference that was recently held in British Columbia, Canada. The second is the initiative that Marcus Ray is a spokesperson for, something I will refer to here as the Marcus Initiative.
Continue reading “Seeing is believing.”It is time to forge Street Army Canada, a nationwide alliance!
I am recruiting people to form a core team that is dedicated to building Street Army Canada. If you recognize our unity is the only solution to our winning this war against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism and you are prepared to actively commit to building our unity across Canada then contact me by email (ianbell@virusfraud.org) or on my Telegram group (https://t.me/VirusFraudOrgGroup). I am recruiting 15 to 30 fervent and tenacious people to form the core group that starts the process of building Street Army Canada. If there are more than that is all the better.
Continue reading “It is time to forge Street Army Canada, a nationwide alliance!”