How to identify a toothless chihuahua

This blog post explains the process or steps of how to identify a toothless chihuahua. I will use this process or steps as the basis for a coming series of reports that will examine just how useless our toothless chihuahuas are in fighting this war of Techncracy and Transhumanism the cabal is waging against us little people.

We don need no stink’n standards

I want to be a brain surgeon. So I can just put up a shingle on my front door that says “Brain Surgeon” and start cutting into people brains, right? No, it doesn’t work that way. It seems I need a little training and experience.

Ok, I want to be a soldier. So I can just put up a shingle on my front door that says “Soldier” and start shooting people, right? No, it doesn’t work that way. It seems I need a little training and experience.

Ok, I want to be a garbage man. So I can just put up a shingle on my front door that says “Garbage man” and start charging the city for my services, right? No, it doesn’t work that way. It seems I need a little training and experience.

Ok, I want to be a “freedom fighter”. So I can just put up a shingle on my front door that says “Freedom Fighter” and start grifting, right? Now we’re talking! No training or experience required and I can grift to my hearts content. Welcome to the “freedom movement” in Canada, the home of the incompetent and impotent.

Note, the misspelling of the words “don’t” and “stinking” in the title of this section is intentional.

We are at war

We are in a global war that is meant to bring in a new world order of One World Government under the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T). In Canada, we have many people that claim to be resisting or fighting against this tyranny. They are fake freedom fighters. They could change for the better and all it would take is for them to commit to one course of action. But they refuse to do that, they refuse to make the change.

Toothless chihuahuas” is a descriptor I started using in January of this year that mocks and ridicules those who claim to be fighting against the tyranny of T&T here in Canada. Nothing our toothless chihauahuas are doing can win this war for us. They are useless grifters, siphoning off and wasting scarce and precious resources which could have been used to help us fight and win this war.

Toothless chihuahua” is a polite and diplomatic descriptor for what is really an insidious problem that severely handicaps our fight in this global war. Toothless chihuahuas represent a rot in our fight against T&T. Cutting out and stopping the spread of that rot means we must first be able to recognize and identify it.

In a previous blog post, I provided two simple criteria that can be used to understand who is and who is not a freedom fighter. In this blog post, I go into more detail about how to identify a toothless chihuahua, our fake freedom fighter. It explains the three step process I use to identify our toothless chihuahuas. Each step looks at them from a different perspective. This is about being practical and using common sense. I’m not going to tell you anything you don’t already know.

I will quickly list the three different perspectives and follow this with an explanation or description of the three steps.

The three perspectives

I have talked about each of these three perspectives before so I will keep it short here. They are: A) the three critical criteria, B) NNRRM and C) OSMR.

A) The three critical criteria

There are three critical criteria that must be at the core of everything we do in fighting this global war. These three critical criteria are as follows:

  1. To win this war we must eliminate the cabal and it’s global network. If we do not or cannot eliminate the cabal then we lose this war.

  2. There is only one way we can eliminate the cabal. We must unite with our large scale numbers to fight as one with a common vision and direction. We must organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada and billions of our rank-and-file across the world. If we do not unite then we lose this war.

  3. There is only one way to unite us, to organize and mobilize the millions of our rank-and-file in Canada, and the billions of our rank-and-file across the world. We must adopt a top down, hierarchical leadership structure. If we do not adopt a top down, hierarchical leadership structure to organize and mobilize billions of our rank-and-file across the world then we lose this war.


We cannot win this war if we have no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle (NNRRM).

Numbers is a reference to people, a lot of people. To effect real change requires being able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file across Canada, billions across the world. Do not confuse numbers with followers, these are two different things. Social media channels have followers but followers are not organized and mobilized into action.

Resources is self-explanatory and refers to money and physical things that are necessary for effecting real change.

Reach refers to being able to communicate or connect with decision makers that effect real change.

Muscle refers to the ability to influence decision makers so as to effect the change we want. If we have no influence/power to get decision makers to make the changes we want then we have no muscle.


This acronym stands for Objective, Strategy, Metric and Result. Everything we do in fighting this global war must be goal or result oriented. This means everything we do must have clearly defined objectives, clearly defined strategies, clearly defined metrics and a clearly understood results.

Objective defines what it is we are trying to accomplish, what our end goal is.

Strategy defines the method, approach or what we do to try to reach our objective.

Metric defines what we will measure, the data we monitor and/or record, that will be used to assess whether our strategy is succeeding or failing to reach our objective.

Result is a final assessment of whether we succeeded or failed in reaching our objective.

The objectives, strategies and metrics should be clearly defined BEFORE an action is started. If any of these three things is not well defined then the probablity that the action will produce a meaningful result is close to zero (0). In other words, if we cannot clearly define our objective, strategy and metric then that means we do not know what we are doing. Specifically, if we cannot clearly define what it is we are doing then, despite what we might imagine we are doing, then we are not fighting this war. When an action is over or completed then it is time to assess what the result is, whether or not the objective was successfully met.

The steps to identify a toothless chihuahua

Step 1 – the three critical criteria

Our toothless chihuahuas recognize we are in a global war, they do not dispute this. They know we are being attacked across the world and that we have been overwhelmed on all fronts. Our toothless chihuahuas can yap and parrot for days on end about 15 minute cites, bug food, CBDCs, digital identity, lawfare, SOGI, UNDRIP, unsafe & ineffective “vaccines“, white ethnocide, etc. As mentioned in my last blog post, our toothless chihuahuas know all of us are getting raped and butt-fucked.

Let me repeat, our toothless chihuahuas DO NOT DISPUTE that we are fighting in global war. Our toothless chihuahuas will give you a bored look and yawn if you state we are fighting in a global war.

Now comes the surprise.

Here is the question that underlies critical criteria #1. Ask our toothless chihuahuas the question, “Who our enemy is that we must defeat to win this war?” You will get the deer-in-the-head-lights-look. I get this all the time and it never ceases to make me laugh. Our toothless chihuahuas have no idea who our enemy is that we must defeat to win this war. When asked this question, our toothless chihuahuas stare blankly. Realizing they have been caught flat-footed, they will then blurt out a nonsense response. It is a nonsense response because if you ask, “Will that win the war for us?“, then the answer is always NO.

It gets worse.

Here is the question underlying critical criteria #2. Ask a toothless chihuahua “How can we defeat our enemy to win this war?”. The first criteria defines our primary objective (i.e. to win this war) and the second criteria defines our primary strategy (i.e. how to win this war). Criteria #2 is about uniting our rank-and-file across Canada and across the world. Uniting is a strategy, not an objective. This is the only way we can defeat our enemy and win this war. The problem is our toothless chihuahuas pay lip service to unity but do nothing to promote and build real unity across Canada and the world. Our toothless chihuahuas refuse to commit to this only course of action that can win this war for us. They imagine if everyone does something in response to this tyranny of T&T then that will somehow magically defeat our enemy. This is sheer stupidity and no different from thinking that if we dump a box of lego pieces on the floor that the pieces will magically assemble themselves into what we want.

It gets worse.

Critical criteria #3 is about an age old, time tested and proven means of getting large numbers of people to work together with a common vision and direction. It is the only way to organize and mobilize large numbers of people. We desperately need organization, discipline, infrastructure and leadership. The problem is our toothless chihuahuas work alone and refuse to have anything to do with organizing the large numbers of our rank-and-file under a top down leadership structure. This too is sheer stupdity and reflects the infantile hope that dumping lego pieces on the floor will magically transform the pieces into a fully assembled object.

The first step in identifying a toothless chihuahua is to see what (s)he has to say about the three critical criteria. What we find is a toothless chihuahua does not address or even think about them. This will be almost immediately obvious and stand out like a sore thumb. If you find yourself searching through a toothless chihuahua’s content (e.g. videos, documents, website(s)) for an answer then you can be reasonably certain the three critical criteria have been ignored by that toothless chihuahua.

Step 2 – NNRRM

We are in a numbers war. Our only strength is our numbers and the only way we can win this war is playing to our only strength. For us, it’s all about our numbers and only about our numbers. With numbers comes resources, reach and muscle.

Toothless chihuahuas are people with NNRRM. They do this by choice. They cannot organize and mobilize millions of people, they do not have the money and physical means to organize and mobilize millions of people and they are ignored by decision makers. All it takes is a cursory glance at the activities of a toothless chihuahua to see NNRRM applies to them. To identify a toothless chihuahuas, just ask them about their numbers, resources, reach and muscle. This is really just a rhetorical question because you will already know the answer by taking a quick look at what they are doing.

Step 3 – OSMR

Whatever action a toothless chihuahua is engaged in, simply ask him/her to explain the OSMR behind the action. What you will find is our toothless chihuahuas do not have well defined OSMR and this predictably leads to a lack of real results and failure, a failure they also ignore.

Good citizens doing their civic duty

What toothless chihuahua does NOT refer to are persons working in their own community to effect change within their own community. These people are not out to change anything beyond what impacts their local lives. They work locally to effect local change and are not concerned about what happens beyond their own community. I refer to them as good citizens doing their civic duty of managing their own backyard. Note that good citizens doing their civic duty can nevertheless be sheep and zombies. Just because they are good citizens does not necessarily make them good people.

Putting it all together

Everything we do in fighting this global war is driven by critical criteria #1:

  1.  To win this war we must eliminate the cabal and it’s global network. If we do not or cannot eliminate the cabal then we lose this war.

This is our guiding vision and direction. What it means is if we cannot eliminate the cabal and it’s global network then everything and anything we do in trying to fight this global war is meaningless and pointless.

Everything we do in fighting this global war must then be based on and assessed using the three critical criteria. We must eliminate the cabal and that means we must unite our large scale numbers under a top down, hierarchical leadership. This will give us the numbers, the resources, the reach and the muscle we must have to win this global war. Everything we do must have clearly defined objectives, clearly defined strategies and clearly defined metrics. The results of every action we undertake must be openly available to all of us, to be reviewed, assessed and learned from.

The three steps represent a practical and common sense approach for quickly and easily assessing every person or group that claims to be fighting against this tyranny of T&T. Most of us can perform these steps without requiring any further clarification or explanation. These steps establish the minimum expectations and requirements that must be met or passed by those who claims to be fighting this tyranny.

The reality

Every person who claims to be fighting against this tyranny of T&T in Canada fails to meet any of the three critical criteria. NNRRM applies to every one of them. Most have poorly defined OSMR, many have no defined OSMR.

For me, NNRRM is what constitutes the working definition of a toothless chihuahua (i.e. a person or group that has no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle). A person with NNRRM is typically a person who ignores the three critical criteria and also has poorly defined or undefined OSMR. In other words, if a person fails on step 2 then that person has also fails on steps 1 and 3.

We are losing this war. If we do not change then we have already lost it. It is now 9 months that I been pointing out just how incompetent and impotent our toothless chihuahuas are here in Canada. If any of them wants to object or disagree with what I have said then I have given them ample material to work with. None have challenged, refuted or proven me wrong.

This blog post describes a process, the steps I use, for identifying a toothless chihuahua (a.k.a. fake freedom fighter). I will use this process, in a series of reports to come, as the basis for examining and assessing what a number of our toothless chihauhaus are doing in Canada. As you will see, nothing they are doing can win or help us win this global war. It’s actually worse than that.

Groups like Action4Canada, AwakeCanada, Freedom Rising and Stand4Thee are not winning this global war for us. They are losing this war for us. If such groups ever had a purpose, that purpose is now gone. Their only possible benefit and use to us would be under a united Canada. Unfortunately, groups like these four work only keep us divided, throwing good money and time after bad. If we are to have any hope of winning this war then groups like these four must disappear. The easiest way to make them disappear is to demonstrate how useless they are in fighting this global war. That will be the focus of a coming series of blog posts.