Winning this war – results and conclusion

Our “Winning This War” unity proposal/project began on April 20. This is the first phase of our unity proposal and it has come to an end, a little sooner than scheduled. This blog post reports the results and the conclusions that can be drawn from this first phase.

In this first phase, we had no intention of trying to unite our rank-and-file. The purpose of this first phase was to show our toothless chihuahuas have become a significant obstacle to uniting our rank-and-file.1

Our unity proposal intended to send out three different contact letters, each separated by a few weeks. These contact letters demanded that our toothless chihuahuas unite under a Canadian freedom army and the leadership of the National Council. We collected all the data we needed from the 1st contact letter. The 2nd contact letter confirmed the data collected from the 1st contact letter. There was little reason to send out the 3rd contact letter and is the reason we ended our unity project sooner than scheduled.

The data we collected is a conclusive and damning indictment of our toothless chihuahuas in Canada.

The three criteria

We are in a global war. Our enemy is the cabal and the cabal is waging this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism (T&T) against us little people. We have been overwhelmed on all fronts. None of our toothless chihuahuas dispute these points.

There are three criteria that are at the core of everything we do in fighting this war. Everything and anything we do in fighting this war must be assessed using these three criteria:

  1. To win this war we must eliminate the cabal and it’s global network. If we do not or cannot eliminate the cabal then we lose this war.

  2. There is only one way we can eliminate the cabal. We must unite with our large scale numbers to fight as one with a common vision and direction. We must organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada and billions of our rank-and-file across the world. If we do not unite then we lose this war.

  3. There is only one way to unite us, to organize and mobilize the millions of our rank-and-file in Canada, and the billions of our rank-and-file across the world. We must adopt a top down, hierarchical leadership structure. If we do not adopt a top down, hierarchical leadership structure to organize and mobilize billions of our rank-and-file across the world then we lose this war.

Everything we do must be based/centered around these three criteria otherwise we are wasting our time and precious resources.

The key to winning this war

Being able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada and billions across the world is the key to our winning this war. The easiest and fastest way to start the process of organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file in Canada is by bringing our improvised national broadcasting network online, that is, using the collective power of all our websites and social media channels. However, there is a big problem here. Our toothless chihuahuas hold the keys to that our national broadcasting network – it is their websites and social media channels we must harness – and they have no interest in uniting our rank-and-file. In other words, our toothless chihuahuas are a major obstacle to uniting our rank-and-file.

A mind exercise

Imagine an alien race has come to earth, is waging war on us, has already killed 20 to 25 million of us and hundreds of millions of us are injured, displaced and starving. We are in a war of elimination. Either we eliminate the aliens or they eliminate us. How do we respond?

  1. Do we say, hold on, let’s not rush things. Each us must come to terms with this existential threat in his/her own way. We must be patient and give each of our people time to process how dire and desperate our situation is. We must build a trusting relationship with each of our people before we can come together and collectively decide how to counter this alien war being waged against us. This takes time and we must not rush our people into making a hasty decision. Besides, the use of force is never the answer to violence and only perpetuates more violence. We must find a peaceful solution.

  2. Or do we say the opposite. We are in war. Everyone fights. We set aside our differences and fight as one to defeat and eliminate this alien force. We fight to the death.

Aside from a few batshit crazy people who would opt for response 1, the rest of us would go with response 2 without question or reservation. We would unite and go to war against these aliens, each of us saying, “Unity? I’m in! How can I help?”.

Now let’s get back to the real world, our world. About 17 million people world-wide were killed/murdered by the clot-kill shots (i.e.”vaccines”) between 2021 and 2023. Today, in June of 2024, a conservative body count is between 20 to 25 million and climbing. Note these are only the people who are dead and does not include the hundreds of millions worldwide who have had serious injury and adverse reactions to the clot-kill shots.

Yes, we are being attacked but not by aliens. We are being attacked by the cabal and it’s global army. Without any exaggeration, we are in a war of elimination where either we eliminate the cabal or the cabal eliminates us. The cabal has overwhelmed us on all fronts in this war. All our toothless chihuahuas accept this fact, none dispute it. We are losing this war and losing it badly.

And this is where the utter absurdity and stupidity of our toothless chihuahuas is on display for all who care to look. Our toothless chihuahuas have done the opposite of what we would do if we were at war with aliens, they have chosen response 1 instead of response 2. The expected and required response to the cabal’s attack on us is response 2, “We unite, everyone fights against our enemy and we fight to the death”. Instead our toothless chihuahuas have opted for response 1, “Hold on, let’s not rush things. Each us must come to terms with this existential threat…”.

Response 2 will win this war for us. Response 1 can never win this war for us. Regardless of how generous and forgiving we might try to be with our toothless chihuahua, the assessment is always the same; they may be going through the motions of fighting this war but nothing they are doing can win this war for us.

The first phase of our unity proposal has decisively shown our toothless chihuahuas refuse to commit to the only course of action that can win this war for us – unity with our large scale numbers. To repeat, our toothless chihuahuas have become a major obstacle to uniting us!

When unity calls, there is only one response

We are in a war of elimination. Either we eliminate the cabal or the cabal eliminates us. So when the call for our unity goes out then the only response that is expected – and demanded – from every one of our so called freedom fighters is “Unity? I’m in! How can I help?”. No other response is acceptable!

We called for unity. There was no response!

Our 1st contact letter was sent out to 208 active Canadian groups listed on the Freedom Rising website. We sent out a 2nd contact letter to just over 240 groups and people. A conservative estimate is that we reached 500 to 800 active “freedom fighters” with our call for unity. None of the groups and people we contacted said “Unity? I’m in! How can I help?”. Of the hundreds of our toothless chihuahuas we contacted, every one of them refused to unite and ignored the call for unity.

Perhaps there something wrong with our unity proposal?

Aside from a few people that disagreed with our position that anyone who refuses to unite is not our ally, no one – not a single group or person, out of hundreds – challenged or refuted our unity proposal. Our proposal provided ample material for our toothless chihuahuas to find fault with but none could and did. So the answer is no, there is nothing wrong with our unity proposal.

Our proposal is sound. It offers the only real and viable means for uniting us and winning this war. There is no problem with our unity proposal but there is a significant problem with our toothless chihuahuas ignoring the call for unity.

Lucky us, three more unity events

If you want more proof that our toothless chihuahuas do not wish to unite then you are in luck. There are three other so-called unity events coming up, two in June and one starting in July. There is the We UnifyReclaiming Canada” conference in BC. There is Ken Drysdale’sStronger Together” conference in Manitoba. And there is Jeremy Mackenzie’sRage Tour”.

The “Reclaiming Canada” and the “Stronger Together” are touted as “unity conferences”. The funny thing though is that both occur on exactly the same days, June 21 to 23. Nothing says “unity…but only under my banner” like two different competing so-called unity conferences that are scheduled for exactly the same days. Jeremy’s Rage Tour starts in early July. If we are to be frank, all three events are only intended to drum up support for their organizers.

All three events will fail to unite us. They are not about building unity. Why you ask? Read on.

What will unity look like?

Unity is not about getting our toothless chihuahua leaders together to schmooze and blow smoke up each others asses at a conference. Nor is it about Jeremy preaching to his relatively few followers in whatever venues he has lined up across Canada. So what then is unity about? How will we recognize unity when it finally comes around?

There are, at a minimum, millions of Canadians across Canada who reject this tyranny of T&T. They don’t know who to fight, where to fight and when to fight. They are silent. They are looking for and need leadership. These are the people I refer to as the rank-and-file of our freedom army, Street Army Canada. As I keep hammering away at, our rank-and-file are the key to winning this war. Unity is about, and only about, being able to organize and mobilize millions of our rank-and-file in Canada and billions of our rank-and-file across the world.

That is how we will recognize unity. Any initiative which claims to be about uniting us must demonstrate just that, that it is about organizing and mobilizing millions of our rank-and-file across Canada, and billions of our rank-and-file across the world!

Check out the We Unify website. There is no agenda for it’s conference and we have no idea of what this conference is about other than it will host a mishmash of people we’ve already heard before. If the partial list of invited speakers on the website is any indication, unity is not on this group’s to-do list. We Unify has never expressed or demonstrated an interest in organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file. Moreover, as I wrote in my last blog post, this is a pay-to-play event; if you don’t pay then you don’t get to play. Whether We Unify read my last blog post or it is a coincidence, We Unify only just added virtual tickets to its conference. If I am correct, virtual tickets let you watch but not interact with those at the conference. So this is still a pay-to-play conference and those who cannot pay are shit our of luck. Regardless, this conference will be just like We Unify’s last two conferences that failed to produce any meaningful results. Unity is simply not on it’s agenda.

Regarding Ken Drysdale’s unity conference, there is nothing on the agenda that even hints at organizing and mobilizing millions of our rank-and-file. So don’t expect Ken’s conference to produce any meaningful results.

As for Jeremy, unity is only about uniting under his banner and that is not what real unity is about.

So there you have it. We know what unity will look like and we know that none of these three events are even thinking about it.

Unity is like riding a bike, you are doing it or you are not doing it. Our toothless chihuahuas are not doing it. Our toothless chihuahuas are not interested in doing the unity thingy, you know, organizing and mobilizing millions of our rank-and-file.

The hypocrites of a top-down hierarchical leadership structure

Our toothless chihuahuas are hypocrites in one very particular sense of the word.

Each of our toothless chihuahuas that is an employee works under a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. When your boss tells you to do something, with few exceptions, you do it. If you don’t then you are reprimanded and/or fired. Each of our toothless chihuahuas that is an employer enforces a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. They issue orders and expect those orders to be carried out. If their employee does not follow their orders then they reprimand and/or fire their employee.

A top-down hierarchical leadership structure is something every one of our toothless chihuahuas are exposed to on a daily basis, whether in their work environment or when using any public or private service. This is an age old, time proven model that a) is successful and produces results and b) every one of our toothless chihuahuas understand so well that it is second nature and taken for granted. Our toothless chihuahuas accept and use this top-down model in their every day lives.

However…when it comes to “freedom fighting” our toothless chihuahuas are highly critical of a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. In the time I have been hammering away on the absolute necessity of uniting our rank-and-file, I have heard many excuses from our toothless chihuahuas why they reject a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. If you hear our toothless chihuahuas criticizing this top-down model then it is because they are protecting their turfs war, egos and echo chambers.

Here is the truth of the matter. If we use this top-down model to successfully unite us in Canada then that will decisively show just how useless and irrelevant most of our so called freedom leaders and their groups are. That will shred a lot of egos. All our so called toothless chihuahua leaders, from the alphabetically ordered groups “A Warrior Calls” to “YyC Rocks”, know this is true. So they sabotage unity by refusing to cooperate and/or ignore any call for unity. As long as we remain divided and disorganized, our so called freedom leaders can persist with their petty turf wars.

Here are, for example, three lame and unacceptable excuses given by our toothless chihuahuas for rejecting a top down hierarchical leadership structure:

  1. This is the structure/model our enemy has adopted. If we too adopt this structure/model then we are no different than our enemy.

    These are two separate issues (i.e. the model and the cabal) and to conflate them is a deception/distraction to justify the petty turf wars of our toothless chihuahuas.

  2. A top-down structure/model is susceptible to infiltration and can be subverted.

    Yes, that is a real possibility but contingencies can be put in place to minimize the risk. Let’s contrast that with the fact our toothless chihuahuas fight alone with no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle. As such, there is nothing our toothless chihuahuas do that will win this war for us. They have proven themselves to be impotent and ineffective in this fight. From this perspective, it is clear the “infiltration” criticism is just another deception/distraction to justify their petty turf wars.

  3. The third and last example of a lame excuse is the use of the statement “we do not align with what you are doing/proposing”.

    The person who says this is saying (s)he does not give a shit about unity and winning this war. They don’t care if they have only a few followers, no resources, no reach and no muscle. The important thing is that they are the king-of-the-castle or the queen-bee. They are the center of attention in their echo chamber and what matters is their ego. So the “we do not align with…” statement is just another deception/distraction to again justify their petty turf wars.

Unity is all about, and only about, being able to organize and mobilize the millions of our rank-and-file in Canada, plus the billions of our rank-and-file across the world. Unity can only be accomplished under a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. It is sheer absurdity and stupidity for our toothless chihuahuas to think they can organize and mobilize millions of people in Canada and billions of people around the world without a top-down hierarchical leadership structure. As a fact, our toothless chihuahuas operate under and benefit from a top-down hierarchical leadership structure in their daily lives. They are hypocrites to criticize and reject this top-down model when it comes to “freedom fighting”.

How to win and lose this war

This blog post starts by listing the three critical criteria that are at the core of everything we do in fighting this war. We must eliminate the cabal, we must unite and we must have a top down hierarchical leadership structure. If we fail to meet any one of these three criteria then we lose this war. Guess what? All our toothless chihuahuas fail on each of these three criteria. What is worse is that our toothless chihuahuas:

a) reject a top down, hierarchical leadership structure,
b) are not even thinking about unity, that is, organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file, and
c) are not even thinking about eliminating the cabal.

What this means is our toothless chihuahuas are not fighting this war, they are only going through the motions of fighting it. Nothing they are doing can win this war for us.


Our unity proposal strictly adheres to the three critical criteria listed at the start of this blog post: 1) the primary objective is to eliminate the cabal, 2) the primary strategy for doing that is by uniting our rank-and-file, that is, by organizing and mobilizing our rank-and-file simultaneously across Canada and the world and 3) the National Council reflects a top down hierarchical leadership structure.

In this first phase of our unity proposal, we had no intention or expectations of uniting our rank-and-file. Instead, the only purpose of the first phase was to demonstrate our toothless chihuahuas ignore, refuse and/or reject the call for unity. The first phase was a success. We have just proved our toothless chihuahua do not want unity and will not commit to the only course of action that can win this war for us.

Being able to organize and mobilize our rank-and-file is the key to winning this war. If our toothless chihuahuas were serious about winning this war then they would all be working together towards that goal. Unfortunately, we have just shown our toothless chihuahuas reject unity and that reflects a very serious problem within the freedom movement. The rot has already set in and we cannot even begin to even consider winning this war until we have aggressively purged the freedom movement of this rot from within.


1 There are millions of silent Canadians who want to fight this tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism but don’t know how to do that. They are looking for leadership. I refer to these people as our rank-and-file. In contrast, we have many groups and people who identify as “freedom fighters”, who believe they are already fighting against this tyranny. These activists fight alone, with no numbers, no resources, no reach and no muscle. I refer to these groups and people as toothless chihuahuas. The are going through the motions of fighting this war but nothing they do can win this war for us. They refuse to commit to the only course of action that can win this war for us; unity with our large scale numbers!